Property guides

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Everything you need to know about subdivisions | Taranaki
If you’re looking to subdivide your land for sale then...
Checklist for buying a commercial property_Straight cover mock up
Checklist for Buying a Commercial Property
Are you considering buying a commercial property? Our comprehensive checklist...
Guide to preparing your house for an open home
When planning to sell your home, an open home is...
Anti Money Laundering Information
Proving your identity when buying or selling a house
Everything you need to know about property investing in Taranaki
Are you looking to get into the property investing market...
A guide to New Plymouth's suburbs
Whether you're looking to move to New Plymouth or your...
Your checklist for Leasing Your Commercial Property
Now that you have made the important decision to lease...
Guide to buying a business-1
Ultimate guide to buying a business
Are considering buying a business?
Checklist for selling a business
You have made the very important decision to sell your...
Real Estate Code of Conduct and Care
This document outlines our obligations as Real Estate Agents as...
Selling Your Property Guide provides comprehensive independent information and guidance for home buyers...
Guide to Yields and Capital gains
A guide to Property Investment Yields and Capital Gains in Taranaki
When investing in property, there are a multitude of factors...