Checklist for leasing a Property

Once you have decided on a property to lease, then we will draw up an Agreement to Lease for you to sign, which we will then present to the landlord. To do this we will need the following key information: 1. Your full name. 2. What entity the lease will be under. E.g. a company or your own name. 3. What sort of business will you be using the premises for. 4. What date you want the lease to start. 5. How long will the lease be for. E.g. 3 years 6. Do you want rights of renewal? That is, after the initial term, do you want to the right to continue to lease the property for longer. 7. The name of your lawyer and what company they work for. 8. Additional clauses. We can help you with these once we understand your specific situation. T H E N E X T S T E P. . . Notes